Dr Stretch

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Enhancing post-operative recovery with Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

At Dr. Stretch in Angel Islington, we understand the importance of optimal post-operative care. If you've recently undergone surgery, you may be familiar with common issues like water retention, swelling, hematoma, and lumpiness. Fortunately, we have a solution: Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). In this article, we will explore the benefits of MLD in your post-operative treatment and how it can accelerate your recovery process.

What is Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle massage technique that effectively moves fluid back into the lymph vessels, thereby reducing swelling, fluid retention, and post-operative pain. It is backed by scientific knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the Lymphatic System. At Dr. Stretch, we specialize in the renowned Vodder Method (MLD), which is used in leading hospitals and clinics worldwide.

The benefits of Lymphatic Drainage at Dr. Stretch

  1. Reduce swelling, bruising, and water retention.

  2. Avoid or treat seromas and fibrosis.

  3. Alleviate stress and anxiety after surgery.

  4. Speed up the recovery process.

  5. Minimize post-operative pain.

  6. Stimulate kidney functions.

  7. Effective in treating blood circulation problems like venous insufficiency.

  8. Address lymphatic problems.

  9. Boost the immune system, enhancing the body's natural defenses.

  10. Protect your body against bacteria and viruses by working in conjunction with the immune system.

  11. Induce a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system.

  12. Generate a relaxing effect through its direct impact on the parasympathetic system.

  13. Tone the intestine, aiding in fighting constipation.

  14. Regulate the body's water balance.

  15. Lower blood pressure.

How many lymphatic drainage treatments will I need?

To ensure the best results, we recommend between 5 to 12 MLD sessions, depending on the specific area and procedure, as well as your unique recovery process. Patients undergoing multiple procedures simultaneously, such as a combination of liposuction and a tummy tuck, may require additional sessions compared to those undergoing a single procedure.

How Often Should I Get Lymphatic drainage at Dr. Stretch?

During the first week, we suggest one session per day, tailored to your specific needs, to effectively address inflammation and eliminate fluids. In the second week, sessions can be reduced to every other day. For long-term benefits, we advise a maintenance session once a month for the following five months.

When should I schedule my first Manual Lymphatic Drainage session?

To optimize your recovery, it is crucial to start your drainage as early as possible. We recommend having your first MLD session within 24 hours after surgery. MLD is gentle and significantly reduces the appearance of bruises, swelling, stiffness, burning pain, scars, lumps, bumps, and soreness commonly experienced after surgery.

The Importance of MLD at Dr. Stretch: By neglecting MLD after surgery, you risk a slower recovery process and an increased likelihood of post-operative complications. At Dr. Stretch, we prioritize your well-being and aim to provide the best care to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

What can you expect during a Dr. Stretch MLD Treatment?

At Dr. Stretch, we value your time and comfort, and we strive to provide a comprehensive experience. During your first appointment, our experienced therapist will assess the type and stage of your surgery, as well as any open drainages, bruises, or inflammation. We will also evaluate your range of motion, as this will provide us with an understanding of your mobility. This thorough body assessment will help us determine the best approach for your MLD treatment.

We hope this information is useful for you. If you need advice or have any questions about our treatments, please contact us. You can find us near Essex Rd in Angel Islington.

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