Assisted Stretching

in Angel Islington

 We can help you improve your flexibility and range of motion faster and more efficiently than you could achieve alone. In a physiotherapy session we will draw upon the most effective stretching and fascia release techniques along with strength training to achieve better flexibility and quality of movement fast.

What is Assisted Stretching?

Effective regular stretching is just as important as regular exercise, and is an essential part of any sustainable health and fitness programme. Stretching keeps muscles strong, supple and healthy - giving you the flexibility and range of motion to support the activity of your joints and muscles without risk of pain or injury. If flexibility and range of motion is limited - all too often the case in our sedentary, deskbound lifestyles - we not only risk damage, but are prevented from being able to move our bodies to the best of their ability.

However, not all forms of stretching are made equal. Stretching is all too often done incorrectly, becoming counterproductive and even causing injury. There is also no such thing as a one-size fits all stretching programme, technique or routine. Different methods suit different goals, conditions, and bodies. We will use the most effective types of stretching, such as PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation), that address your body’s unique needs - freeing you from any stiffness and pain that may be restricting your movement and preventing you from fully enjoying your physical and daily activities.

Is Assisted Stretching right for me?

Enhancing sports performance

An effective, bespoke stretching programme is essential for a whole range of athletic and sporting activities, especially those requiring a wide range of motion such as Martial Arts, athletics, figure skating, skiing, yoga and dance. More flexibility means better performance through both an improved range of motion and also better functional efficiency in those ranges of motion, as a flexible joint requires less energy and is less likely to become injured.

Easing stiffness, aches and - workout pains

Stretching can help lessen the shortening and tightening effect that can often be the cause of stiffness and the aches that come with it. Integrating a regular, effective stretching programme can also help with that post-workout feeling too.

The antidote to a desk job

21st century life is the perfect recipe for creating short, tight muscles. Sitting in a chair in front of a computer all day means tight chest muscles and shortened hamstrings - and plenty of uncomfortable stiffness. Most of us are time-poor, spending 35+ hours a week at our desks. So it’s even more important that we use not just the most effective but also the most time-efficient stretching techniques to undo the damage of our sedentary lifestyles.

Stretching techniques and therapies

We use a number of different Sports Massage techniques (or modalities), some of the most common include:

Assisted (Passive) stretching

Active Release Technique (ART) is a soft tissue method which involves stretching a muscle while applying pressure or massage to that muscles. This active and deep technique can be quite intense, but is highly effective and gaining mobility.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching

(PNF) stretching also known as contract release stretching, involves activating, or tensing the muscles being stretched. Once this muscle is relaxed, I will take the stretch further, before repeating the process. This stretching method has a positive impact on the “muscle spindles” ( the sensory receptor within the muscles), essentially tricking the spindle reflex to help you gain more flexibility.

Active release technique (ART)

ART is a soft tissue method which involves stretching a muscle while applying pressure or massage to that muscles. This active and deep technique can be quite intense, but is highly effective in gaining mobility.


  • A: Assisted stretching refers to a form of stretching where an external force, such as a partner, therapist, or stretching device, helps facilitate and enhance the stretching movements. It involves the application of gentle pressure, traction, or support to increase flexibility and range of motion.

  • A: Regular stretching is typically performed individually, using one's own muscles to apply tension and elongate the muscles. In assisted stretching, an external force is applied to aid in the stretch, allowing for a deeper and more controlled stretch that may not be achievable on your own.

  • A: Assisted stretching offers several benefits, including:

    Increased flexibility and range of motion. Improved muscle relaxation and stress relief. Enhanced athletic performance and mobility. Decreased muscle soreness and risk of injury. Improved posture and body alignment. Promotion of blood circulation and nutrient delivery to muscles.

  • A: Assisted stretching can benefit a wide range of individuals, including athletes, fitness enthusiasts, people with sedentary lifestyles, and individuals recovering from injuries. It is particularly helpful for individuals who have limited flexibility or find it challenging to stretch effectively on their own.

  • A: While some stretches can be done alone with the help of stretching aids or devices, many assisted stretching techniques require a partner or therapist to assist you. It is often more effective to have someone else apply the appropriate force or support during the stretches.

  • A: Like any physical activity, there are a few precautions to consider. If you have any specific medical conditions, injuries, or concerns, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified stretching therapist before engaging in assisted stretching. They can provide guidance based on your individual needs and ensure that the stretches are safe and appropriate for you.