Prioritising Shoulder health – The Transformative Benefits of Sports Massage

massage in Angel, Islington

The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the body, and also one of the most movable.

Unfortunately this range of motion can cause problems for a lot of people. Partly due to joint stiffness and muscle tightness, due to hunching over a desk at work all day, and partly due to the instability of the joint. It’s the combination of this instability and tightness that can lead to a greater risk of shoulder injuries, not just in the tissues but the actual joint itself.

How to train your shoulders + prevent injury

Shoulder dislocations are an awesome exercise for helping to increase the mobility and range of motion in the shoulder joint. The are also extremely useful for preparing and warming up the shoulders for any overhead movements. I always use some form of variation of shoulder dislocations before any handstand work or overhead pressing action because it involves working the scapula through elevation, depression, protraction and retraction. These different movements are key in strengthening the scapula to help create stability for the arm and shoulder joint, whilst also helping to protect against injuries.

Rotator Cuff Impingement and Bursitis

This is the first stage in the continuum. The rotator cuff tendons get compressed between the humerus and another part of the scapula called the acromion. We use the word impingement because the rotator cuff tendons are being impinged between two bones when a person lifts their arm above their shoulder. This causes discomfort and the pain worsens the more the rotator cuff gets caught between the two bones.

So why does the rotator cuff get caught between two bones all of a sudden? Well the answer is in the anatomy. As we talked about before, a strong, healthy rotator cuff depresses the humerus. This increases the space for the rotator cuff to function freely.

Over time, if we allow the muscles associated with the rotator cuff to weaken, the impingement pain occurs. This is usually what is going on if you can lift your arm above your shoulder but it hurts. It will happen when you are drying your hair, putting dishes up in cabinets, on a pull-up bar, doing push presses, etc.

The bursitis, or inflammation in the area as the rotator cuff, is a result of the same impingement. Rotator cuff impingement rarely occurs without bursitis, so they are often considered to be the same thing.

Can You Do Anything to Avoid Injuring Your Rotator Cuff Tendons?

Yes! The good news is that the same stretches and exercises that treat the injury can also prevent the injury. If you keep the shoulder blade muscles efficient and strong — most importantly the four rotator cuff muscles — the shoulder will remain healthy.

Another key secret to healthy shoulders — while it may seem unrelated at first — is maintaining strong hips, glutes and core muscles. If these areas remain strong and engaged during activities, the smaller muscles of the shoulder are less likely to wear out or weaken as quickly — or at all.

These same exercises can also be added to a routine to help prevent or stave off the problems:

  • Active shoulder stretch

  • Banded Shoulder External Rotations

  • Banded Shoulder Internal Rotations

  • V arms , and T arms keeping neck neutral

Signs you may need a Sports massage:

  • Slouched posture (kyphotic) , rounded shoulders ?

  • Limited muscle flexibility.

  • Experiencing muscle tension and soreness?

  • Poor blood circulation

A good sports massage can help with your recovery and improve your muscle flexibility. It could aid to promote better circulation and help reduce muscle tensions and soreness. Dr Stretch, our sports therapists are trained to adapt our techniques based on the specific sport you practise, your individual goals, and your stage of training or competition.

It’s important to point out that sports massage isn’t just for elite athletes. At our clinic, we regularly treat recreational athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to optimise their physical performance at a particular sport or at the gym and to prevent injuries.

When’s the best time to schedule a sports massage?

The best time to schedule a sports massage depends on your activities and goals. If you are at a desk job and find your self with rounded shoulders , and hunching your back, and now experiencing stiffness and tight upper trapzius and shoulders due to this, its time for a massage to relieve your pain and tightness! If you are starting to find daily tasks difficult due to the tensions in your body, you need to listen to your body and perhaps give a sports massage at Dr stretch a go. For professional or recreational athletes in training for an event, a massage can be highly beneficial during the recovery phase after a heavy training session, which allows the body to heal and muscles to relax. Typically, 1-2 days post intense workout or event is an ideal window.

If you’re training for an event, the timing and intensity of a sports massage are crucial. A lighter, more stimulating massage is often recommended before a competition to enhance circulation, increase flexibility, and reduce muscle tension without causing soreness or fatigue. This type of massage is typically performed several days before the event or as part of the warm-up on the day of the competition. Avoiding deep tissue techniques close to the event time is essential, as they may be too intense and potentially lead to muscle soreness. However, each athlete’s response to massage is individual, so try this approach during training rather than for the first time just before a significant event.

If your goal is maintenance and injury prevention, a massage every 1-2 weeks can support ongoing training. Regular gym-goers, sports enthusiasts, or active individuals might find a weekly or bi-weekly massage beneficial, particularly after periods of increased activity or to address specific aches. However, we have patients who also leave longer windows (such as 4-6 weeks) in between appointments.

It’s also worth considering a massage during rest days to aid in muscle recovery and flexibility. Timing should cater to individual needs, and ongoing dialogue with your therapist will optimise the benefits of your sports massage regimen.

book a sports massage with us!

If you’re ready to elevate your performance, soothe your muscles, and embrace peak physical wellness, it’s time to book your sports massage with us. Don’t wait for the discomfort to turn into pain or the fatigue to get in the way of your progress.

Schedule your session with our team and take the first step towards a more revitalised, agile, and pain-free you. Your body does so much for you — it’s time to give back! Click here to book in your appointment!


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